Archives for September 2013

A week after: GM responds to serial shilling allegations, while car blogs remain silent

We see, hear, write, do nothing  - actually, we aren't really here

A week after we broke the story about GM’s serial shilling, the media writes, GM answers, but the blogosphere looks the other way. Over the years, more than 3,000 anonymous comments were left on from what looked like GM computers. When I started researching the story half a year ago, PR professionals and seasoned experts of the social media business assured me that I was onto “the holy grail” of the business. They predicted that the story would trigger a fire storm. They were right and wrong. The story was picked up by Drudge and Instapundit, both good for an avalanche of attention. The story was discussed on Edmunds. As far as the auto blogosphere goes, the story does not exist. Instead of being righteously outraged, the blogosphere is embarrassed, and it sheepishly looks the other way. [ There is more … ]

Former TTAC moderator comes forward, says he witnessed on-line shilling by GM, other OEMs

Picture courtesy Tanzania Central Bank

Summer 2009 was a heady time for auto blogs and their readers. Michigan auto and parts companies were falling faster than their share prices. The termites of foreign and domestic competition, intransigent executive management, careless lending, and poor product ate away the foundations of General Motors, Chrysler, and, to a lesser-extent, Ford, until the debt crisis bubble pop brought these mighty corporations tumbling down.

Understandably, playing defense against their myriad opponents—former customers put off by shoddy quality, PR minions of crosstown- or cross-state rivals, bloggers who had a voice and found an audience for some hard truths, and lowly trolls who infect any story with a comments section with their barely-literate ramblings—beleaguered employees started fighting back in the comments sections of various auto blogs, including The Truth About Cars. [ There is more … ]

MQB: Run-away costs instead of outrageous savings?


The European auto scene is abuzz, what am I saying, it is ablaze with the news that Volkswagen might miss its profit targets set for 2015. If that happens, the 8 percent EBIT, targeted as part of the Strategie 2018, also will remain a dream, Volkswagen’s CFO Hans Dieter Poetsch warned. This according to a report of the usually well informed Manager Magazin. VW has been raking it in in the past years, while most of its EU peers went hungry. Parts of VW’s pornographic profits were fueled by realized gains from stocks and options amassed during the Porsche-takeover, but a good deal of the money was made the old fashioned way, with cars. [ There is more … ]

The RenCen Commmentaries: How to keep your on-line trolling undetected. An 8 step program with 4 bonus pro tips

Spy vs Spy. Picture courtesy

This how-to shows what you can do to keep your on-line trolling under cover.  It goes from the low tech to the high tech, and it is written with the corporate user in mind.

As a private person, nothing keeps you from using what you have learned to post nasty comments on, or to perform a few choice revenge edits on Wikipedia.

Social networking has turned the Internet into a big gab-fest, and corporations want to shape the conversation. In chatrooms and discussion boards, shilling runs rampant. As we have seen a few days ago, this is not without risks. You will be found out eventually, unless you take precautions. [ There is more … ]

EU car market having the worst year in written history


When EU car sales rose 4.8 percent in July it was quickly feted  as the turn-around of the ailing Old Country car market . Being our curmudgeonous selves, and aided by a bit of first-hand experience , we did not buy into the story.  A month later, the EU market is back on its downward track, and it is making history. [ There is more … ]

The RenCen Commentaries: Three Car Monte, and how the game is played

Three car Monte - Picture courtesy

In my six month research into the undercover trolling brigade that used GM computers to leave thousands of comments on, the website both Ed Niedermeyer and I used to run, I talked to a few social media experts that worked for large corporations. Their reaction was universal: They were appalled by the amateurish approach. “But when you are bankrupt, you probably have to do DIY cheating,” quipped an industry executive who had survived carmageddon without government oversight.  In a future article, we will cover how the pros cover their tracks. Today, we write why they usually don’t have to, because the risk of public pilloring is nearly nonexistent. [ There is more … ]

The RenCen Commentaries: A smear campaign in Wikipedia, and mating with monkeys

The target of the smear - Jack Baruth at work

The target of the smear – Jack Baruth at work


In February 2009, when GM’s bankruptcy went into its terminal phase, someone with access to GM’s computer network developed an odd fascination with bicycle racing, and with the life of former bicycle racer and TTAC contributor Jack Baruth. Baruth is currently Editor in Chief of TTAC. At the time, TTAC  looked unfavorably on the bailout. The person with the GM computer started to make unfavorable edits to Jack’s Wikipedia page. [ There is more … ]

The RenCen Commentaries: How GM staffers subvert the blogosphere

Server Room - Picture courtesy

When I started writing for in 2008, I had access to an automated statistic that told us from which ISP our readers dialed-in. According to the stats, surprisingly many people accessed TTAC from their computer at General Motors. On the list, GM ranked right with AT&T and other biggies. TTAC founder Robert Farago, who was on some kind of a GM crusade, was proud that TTAC was so closely read at GM. GM did not stop at reading though. Some of TTAC’s most prolific commenters were and still are working for GM. Thousands of comments left at TTAC originated at General Motors, and from the same IP numbers as used by GM’s PR department. [ There is more … ]

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